Saturday 14 July 2018

The Battle of Lauterbach, 1759

We decided to play-test my Seven years war rules, Seven Years, on 28mm this week with a fairly plain scenario, two Imperial armies clashing frontal against each other, The Franco-Imperialists played and provided by Angus, and Peter and Alan (and later the MFD Michael) and the Prusso-Imperialists played by me and Alistair. We gave each two Cavalry brigades and similar artillery and Infantry contingents, but with a different brigade built up. The possible staff officer numbers were the same though.

I forgot to take photos after a while, as I had to explain the rules for a trillion time, but to cut a long story short, we had a wonderful time and the Prusso-Imperialists were properly stuffed. Thanks to abysmal dice rolling of Alistair (and at the same time prohibitive fortunate dice rolling of Peter, bordering on the illegal, I would say - it is called dice ROLLING not laying ... ;) ) our right flank with one full infantry brigade and a complete Cavalry brigade disintegrated - collapsed - just melted away continuously like ice cream in the sun. Well done your, damn Francophile Rhinelanders ...

If you want to read a more detailed battle rap please take a look at Angus rap:

Rule wise, we spotted that the artillery needs in close combat a little malus as otherwise it could block cavalry/Infantry battalions ...

The system is easy in its structure, but getting complicated as the battles evolves and leaves multiple, but hard, choices for the commanders. The friction is deliberately "buillt-in", so to say, systemic.
Your troops degenerate over the course to lower status (form normal - 1 to 5 - killled), but the charging or rallying cost staff officers, troops that are disordered or shaken have reduced capabilities and sometime one has just to make a decision between a counter attack and let another beaten battalion not rally and run off the map OR just rally but stuff the attack...

I'm looking forward to playt-est non-standard scenarios, as I have the slightest, but of course un-reasonable hope, that most of the participants will READ the rules next time BEFORE we play. I heard literacy in Scotland is still on a high percentage ... hope dies at last, they say ...

My 1st (Hessian) Brigade

My 2nd (Hessian) Brigade

My 3rd (Hessian) Brigade which I gave to Alistair

My centre advancing ...

Alistairs Cavalry en advance


  1. Beautiful armies and great looking lines of bettle as usual, very nice!

    1. Thank you Phil! One day, I‘ll have to collect a 28mm syw army!

  2. Great looking armies and why would anyone read rules if you've got the writer there? That would be silly! Of course say you'll read it but your naivety is endearing!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, well if they don‘t listen to the writer (too busy squabbling amongst themselves) AND not reading the rules (too lazy) the lines of communication are getting thin ... :)
