Saturday 16 March 2024

Somewhere in France between some grapes - 1870 - Franco-Prussian War

Let the 10mm out! Time for a fictional battle and Valour & Fortitude FPW testing! And I also slaughtered my bathing mat.

Bart, Campbell and Gordon were defending the ailing Emperor and some good wine villages, while me, Mike, Peter and Time were fighting for the soon to be Emperor with the shitty wine villages. Scenario principles were easy V&F rules plus every BUA 1 VP. some Infantry brigades/ Divisions were on table, some Infantry and cavalry would come later in as reserves.

Tim was our CinC and IF we had a plan it was so cunning I totally forgot about it. we marched forward until we reached the usual range of the chassepot and stayed clear of them. Then our flanks advanced and tried a pincer movement. Our Artillery wasn't that good and concentrated as we wished it would be, but due to some real Napoleonic Grognards in the leadership style of our enemy, their actual plan TOTALLY FAILED. We put pressure on them, or shot their efforts to pieces. Campbells flank attack was a desaster and Peter blocked them successfully. Gordone Cavalry attack was successfully bottlenecked by Mike and me.

In the end we won by minimal margin, 1 VP, IF we would had more time it would have been a French disaster, but the Prussians were wise and hesitant this time. ;)

The Rules seem to be a wonderful quick and easy/dirty solution for a multiple gamer club night - BUT the army sheets needed a bit of amending (prone; gun ranges accurate but not all that were effective etc...)

But we had a lot of fun,

Initial deployment

Gordons Garde cavalry get stuck between les bois ...

Campbells French advance as well ...

Quite frank in the open - the French line ...

Peter comes to block the French ...

Bart relative unusual defensive centre ...

Amassing chassepots and mitrailleuse as defense ...

Battle of the Bois de chateux de pleurre ...

The Prussians advance ...

Peter was able to block the advance ...

Mikes Cavalry was able to even bypass Gordons guards ...

We would have free range gun shooting before Mikes charge BUT that was the last turn ...


  1. We had a plan, but unfortunately, I didn't explain it enough, which resulted in us losing...

    1. ... at least you had one. I think we didn't even had one... :)
