Thursday 15 August 2024

1914 - Rossignol - (one of the) Battle of the Frontiers

6mm - Yeaaah!  I just come up with some rules and  we play-tested them for the first time (Stahlgewitter/ storm of steel). Mainly WW1 Divisional level, brutal and easy that's what you want!

I picked Rossignol because it was the bloodiest battle of the French in the whole war!!! Bart and John were fighting to defend Paris while Campbell, David and Tim were fighting for the Kaiser.

The movement was kind of complicated at the beginning, but then we adapted it to a simpler system. 

The problem with the artillery is /was that in 1914 it was allover the place. Bart made a point that it was too weak in my beginning rules so we changed it to a base hit at 3+ instead of 4+... boy that hurt!

Anyway, Bart and the French were destroying bridges quite effectively first, isolating some Germans in advance, but in the end Campbell and the Tim brought then all the teutonic force to bear and wore down the french quite quickly.

It is a good system, but the artillery need tinkering, not too overwhelming, but also not too weak...

I'm awaiting replies as we speak ...

the second German division is approaching

The first division passes through the HQ

The French adopted a defensive position

The Germans have SEVERE movemnet issues!!!

But In the second turn Rossignol is taken!

Tims division has communication issues

The centre of the valley is slowly filling with Germans

The French save the flank with keeping Les Bulles

Bart adopts a defensive stance on the hill

The French flank is too slow

Slowly the Germans are dripping in...

But then another bridge is destroyed...

3 structure points have the bridges ... we adjusted!

The French flank seems safe ...

Finally Tims division arrives at Rossignol

The Centre bridge head keeps clear and the bridge are holding!

But Bart sees off any further Germans advance.

Campbell just has a minor force over the bridges ...

But that is enough to fire fight the french into submission on the hill

The French cannot keep the Germans from firing their artillery ...

The initial scenario

all basic rules on a sheet

The possible later adaptations ...


  1. Looks very interesting, will follow closely!

    1. its in the first stage - I just made the rules (according to my previously collection) and all other had their multiple input ... but it looks promising. for a quick grand scale modern warfare game.
