Monday 28 October 2024

1505 - the (fictionale) Battle at the Road to the Villa at the Little Pond of Como.

28mm, Early Renaissance, Pike & Shotte V1, my and Bart collection, with me as the French and Tim and Bart as the German Imperials.

It was this time of the year again, when we all agreed we needed a long and large Renaissance table to bash some beautiful metal.

The Imperials had built up  a camp at a strategic important road, when the King of France decided to take it on and beat the Imperials to later become Imperator himself... so basically a story of envy between the two houses of Habsburg and Valois - Jeez!

The Imperials won the initiative but let the French go first. Thats when the rot began: my Swiss didn't move the usual fast. The Italian left flank didn't move at all. And the overwhelmingly good French gendarmes d'Ordonnance, only one unit charged and was repulsed - Ouch! From thereon my dice rolling was getting worse and Tims and Barts were getting better.

The large Landsknechts block blocked my Italian left flank, while they decided not to push too fast and trundle around. The Swiss finally got stuck in but it was piecemeal attack and the superior Imperial big guns blow them to cinders.

On the right flank my French Gendarmes were setting a new high record for cataclysmic bad performance! If they would not have had the d3 combat resolution, they would have been destroyed after the second turn. Tim really worked the German Horse to his advantage. Even as he failed one counterattack and I gained somewhat lost territory back ... it was too little too late.

The French were comprehensively beaten, unit wise 4 vs 7, the camp wasn't even scratched, let alone somebody was in there as even all the defender decided to come out and join the hacking and slaying!

A well deserved victory for the Germans - an abysmal shame for the French King - no Imperial crown for you in the next forseeable time...

The German gendarmes on the hill before the woods

The French counter part

The initial set up - French left vs German right

The Centre of the imperials

The imperial camp

And the left large Landsknecht pike block

The French advance ... or some don't ...

The Germans stay put.

The French reach the road - high tide ...

The Schwyzer -don't move...

The Bande Neri holds ...

The first French Gendarmes get repulsed ??? ...

Mexican stand of in Metal on horses ...

The French pike block is getting charged

The Berner (Swiss) decide to charge!

The French cavalry ... gets it ...

it doesn't look too good ...

Well the road is now contested ...

The Berner getting it as well the Schwyzer are joining too late ...

And the Italians ... where is my left flank?

Each brigade fights on its own ...

The road isn't French anymore ...

Yeah the Italians ... didn't move ...

Just their horses ...

The swiss centre is faltering ...

The gendarmes are struggling ...

There is a hole now in my centre ...

THE counterattack of my gendarmes ...

I massacred one German Gendarmes unit!

The road is still not French ...

Horses seem to stand off ...

The last Swiss charge ...

Ah, yes and the Italians didn't move ...

The Fugger stopp the Swiss ...

my Gascoignes getting deleted ...

The end of the last turn ... as if nothing has happened ... why bother?

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