Sunday, 30 June 2019

Sudan and Renaissance roll call

This Thursday I joined The Men who would be Kings, in 28mm, deep in the deserts of the Sudan, the miniatures were Campbells and the scenario as arid and merciless as the mat we played on. All 3, me, Mike and Campbell had two units of Brits and we just needed to reach the other side (of the long 6x4 table) which would be just hindered by the scenario rules and some fanatics popping up here and there as soon we rolled for a movement - Viel Feind, viel Ehr, don't know were I heard that before, but it did not induce me with too much optimism.
So surprise, I was the only one who choose 2 infantry regiments and no cavalry. If I had to get down then please in style with as much fire power I could muster. Then I rolled one for my officers: one of them a "greeny" (the one with the red uniform) and the other regiment was "destined for great things" which saved some arses as they gained one free action per turn.

Mike choose the camel riders and some British light Cavalry, while Campbell was going for the Egyptians, lancers in chainmail and then some red hat wearing infantry (their most distinguished mark). But both came under pressure in the midway as the horse units weren't particularly resistant against fanatic counter attacks so they started to fall apart. Meanwhile I shot nearly every unit to pieces before they could even come near me.

In the end they all run away or died, APART from half a light cavalry of Brits who pissed off earlier, while securing a shitload of more insurgent units to fight for the rest of the unhappy strugglers and probably hoped no one would survived to tell the tale AND half of my unit that were "destined for great things" were the only survivors of this ploy. Sometimes the great things are the little things.

Good start into the game, my units were on stealth and rolled often 1 or 2 which meant no insurgent appeared!!!

But the other two did not travel so light ...

The Lancers were quite brutal though

Pop! a sudanese insurgent unit! Aaaaand Fire!

The green boy who wanted to be captain (in red)

while the camels were attacked left right and center

Egyptian allies were worried ...

while reloading and firing is a good thing to do ...

Egyptians like rabbits caught off guard

aaannd FIRE! with a little help of their friends

while ignoring the danger in the back

More units (and trees) appearing in our rear

and gone are the Egyptians (like Kermit - phsssiuh!) 
while here you can see the 4 Brits on horse running away from the enemy

meanwhile the Camel circus melted away 
and even my boys were getting hits

last of the Camels end up in the pan

That was it, the ones that made it with honour in tact

while greeny boy decided to make a stand

Almost ... but he was hit by a flag pole 
Then this weekend, I ceremoniously painted my last landsknechts!! - to finish my Renaissance collections (until I can‘t resist next time I have some funds and sit in front of the computer) ...
Now I have two armies; Imperial and Frenchies with three pike blocks each and some guns and Horse to look respectable .... .. next time (as soon as tinywargames  deliver my second mat) I will host a Sunday game .... enjoy the show ...

two armies ...

... basking in the sun
the Imperial Horse flank

the big "Fugger" pike block 
and some Kaiserliche Kanonen

vs the infamous Schwyz pikes and the Bande Neri

vs another two Landsknecht blocks and Doppelsöldner

Vs the Berner Pike Haufen

and of course the French King 

vs the Kaiser!


  1. Two splendid games, with spectacular and beautiful armies...The French King stand is, of course, my favorite:

    1. Thank you, Phil! Of course, I didn‘t expected it to be any different!

  2. Good looking colonial game, fantastic pair of Rennaisance armies! But please, the last landsknecht? Don't be ridiculous!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain! Well sounds like a good last stand scenario at least! For the time being ... maybe ... excluding gendarmes d‘Ordonnance of course ... and guns ... light cavalry ... and musketeers ... hmm

  3. Wow! Italian Wars collection looks amazing. For the incoming Sunday game I can bring some trees and myself with my mighty arquebusiers.

    1. Thanks Bart! Duly noted ... has to wait though as Tiny wargames need to deliver a mat first :)

  4. I love those massive Italian Wars armies Michael - I am sure more will be added to them though - new figures are always impossible to resist!

    1. Thanks Oli! Well, I will give specifically "painting landsknechts a pause for a while ... but there is always the famous Gendarmes bug! You always want them even if you don't need more.
