Thursday 20 July 2023

1940 - get the bombers to England!

We were trying Warlord Games "Blood Red Skies" for the first time and spontaneously thrown our finished models (so far) on the table. I provided the Messerschmidts and the Heinkels while Tim got his Spitfires and Hurricans barely ready (without the decals) to defend the white cliffs of Dover.

Bart and me and Mike and Campbell flew for the Reich, Campbell wanted to be the bomber squadron! While Peter, John and Alisdair and Tim were defending the islands.

It took a couple of turns to get into the rules and the centre of the table, but then it was developing quite rapidly. We send a lot of RAF fighters to the ground, Tims squadron even had to turn home because of too many Blast tokens!

BUT... Mike wasn't that successful in deflecting the squadrons of Peter and John and they in turn honed in on Campbell and finally shot them down just a turn before they could reach the cliffs...

Congratulations to the RAF commanders! We had a blast of fun and we all agreed to do it again next week!

We probably missed some finer rules and surly made some mistakes, but all agreed that the rules were easy to learn and quick to play.

Da Germans are coming!

The defense of the realm scrambles

All are closing in

The first dog fights start

The Bf109E menace ...

The bombers get into trouble

The dogfights getting fierce!

The first RAF fighter goes down

The Bomber flee into the clouds

The next RAF fighter goes down

Two Luftwaffe squadrons are a bit too far off

The bomber leave the clouds and the hurricanes are tight behind them

Will they make it to the coast?

The final shot and the game was over - mission failed for the Germans


  1. Yes very good fun and big Gratz to Michael and Tim for getting their planes together so quickly!

  2. Yes, agree. It was lovely game. However, we need to find some House rules for the bombers. They're far to easy to withdraw from action.
