Tuesday 28 May 2024

Haarlem Heights 16th September 1776 AWI

 It was this time again ... 28mm, BP2, Crown forces featuring Bart and Gun-Maestro Alisdair, while the Rebel forces were led by Tim, Mark and David.

Haarlem Heights was just a skirmish after the retreat out of New York between some reconnaissance forces that led to more and more units involved ... lets see where our protagonists will decide to go with this.

First it started with a standoff between two remarkable different units a Militia and the Light Infantry of his majesty, led by Bart, Tim had no chance. Then the American Continentals had severe difficulites to push through and form a line or flank out the crown forces. In total we could summarize the battle as a twofold struggle of the patriots: To get into position AND to actually do damage (considerable) to the British invaders.

To cut it short like most of the unlucky rebels that came too near the British guns and muskets, it was a resounding victory for the crown. 3 British VPs vs nil!!! All the Americans had to show for was empty beer glasses.

Next time we will revisit the famous battle of the White Plains or better Chatterton Hill as I only have figures for that ... and the rest was a sort of stand off anyway ... ;)

Initial set up

Only Minute men/Militia stopping the red tide...

Then more was coming along the road...

Slowly the American army is pouring in ... 

A bit of a bottle neck ...

The lines are forming ...

And a formidable British line ...

Undeterred the Continentals advance over the wall ...

Then Hessians arrive ...

The British fall back to the Hoaglandt Farm on a hill ...

A good position too ...

The Rebels have difficulties to follow up ...

For the last effort the Americans strive to attack the British positions...

But The british fire is withering ...

The excellence of their training doesn't help either ...

Then the formidable Jaeger arrive ...

Still stragglers of the Continentals try to follow ...

The fire fights are heavy ...

The British also take hits ...

But manage to regroup ...

The Jaegers shoot sharp ...

The Rebels hold their positions ...

But more re-inforcements arrive ...

The other flank is denied too ...

As the last attack on the farm is repelled ...

The Rebels concede defeat .!

map and set up

British stats

American stats

1 comment:

  1. A successful strategy involves a combination of brilliant tactics and powerful artillery fire. ;)
