Wednesday 29 June 2022

Anglo-Dutch Wars - somewhere in the Mediterranean - lets have a barbecue!

Campbell finished his beautiful paper collection ships in god knows what size ... aaand they look MARVELOUS! I 'm one of the heretics that would choose this kind of naval era over the Napoleonic (shocker, I know!)...

So we had actually a historical battle background where the British tried to break free off Leghorn the Dutch awaiting them and some more British are coming to the rescue.

Me and Bart were the potato-eaters with two big and two smaller ships while John tried to break free and Alidair tried to rescue the ships for his majesty - it never happened.

John tried to break free very quick, but confused Napoleonic tactics with Anglo-Dutch and got "boarded" with both of his ships. Then came Alisdaie, even with a "hidden" fire ship, but Bart welcomed him with some salvoes that two ships caught fire, one even exploded - and it wasn't even the fire ship... Bart (as the Dutch Admiral) told me then to set fire to my prizes and we left with the wind.

Dutch victory over the British - clear cut! Its not so easy in the Napoleonics, I guess. ;)

In the end it was sooo good, that we decided to have a go at it again next club night.

my ships and stats

The position of the Dutch before the harbour at the start

We are closing in

Many Dutch ships ... hmmm

Our future prize ... British ships

circling around ... two pronged advance

the fire fight starts

first all against the sails

Then boarding - I had my crews ready - John not!

second boarding

the rest of the British arrive at the horizont

and Bart turns for a meet and greet

aaand fires salvoe

after salvoe

after salvoe and one ship explodes!!!

by that time I had all of john ships and were off sailing with the wind

BUT as the rest of the British got nearer

I had to torch my prize

We then left for some pints at Mallorca


  1. First time in that period, I managed to sunk a ship with just one salvo! I love it!

    1. I guess it must have irked Campbell ... hence the tough scenario of the follow up . ;)
