Monday, 26 October 2015

Re-ordering my Renaissance

I did a roll call of my Renaissance armies, (as grown up boys sometimes do) and came to the conclusion, that I should up them up, so that I can field 9er (9 4x4s, i.e. 36 figures per) pike blocks. Maybe I will still field the skirmisher in 12er and the Horse in 12er or 6er depending on the unit. I would aim for 4 pike blocks per side (even if I don't know how to transport them then).

The French would have a 12er Gendarmes, a 12er Archers, a 12er Men-a-arms; and two 6er Stradioti. The pikes would be 1 Landsknecht and 2 Swiss (each 9) One block still not decided ... , The Swiss would go with two 12er Halberdiers, one 12er Crossbow (and Pavises) and a 12er Arquebusiers. 

The Imperials would have 12er Gendarmes, 12er Men-at-arms, 6er Mounted Handgunners and 6er Mounted Crossbows. The pikes would be so far two 48er (large) Landsknecht pike blocks, two 12er Arquebusiers, a 12er Doppelsöldner and a 12er Spanish Swordmen. The guns I would divide per scenario. 

Next on the list will be maybe a Spanish block with arquebusiers? Or a large Swiss block? A lot of work ahead, so I started to rebase my Landsknecht pike fronts and the Swiss. I also  will do some more Command vignettes... and the list will grow longer and longer ...


  1. I like your front blocks bases. You have never used'em in the club. We need to try them one day. Maybe Thursday, two weeks time?

    1. Well, there are new, so ... Next Thursday 2 weeks time maybe, but then without my new French Archers ... maybe a wee game...

  2. Here's hoping 36 figure pike blocks become the trend!

    1. Well, it is "the more the merrier", against "just a couple of suitcases and two arms" to carry them. :)

  3. Splendid job on these untis, and your bases are very, very impressive...

    1. Thanks, Phil, I hope they will do their job and win! :)

  4. Really like the long bases for the landsknechts with leveled pikes, they all look great, looking forward to more renaissance types of all kinds! Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I will try to finish the Archer then with double the effort. :)

  5. Great work on the Landsknecht Pike Blocks, I look forward to seeing what you decide to do next

    1. Thanks you! I try to get (my head) around the French Ordonnance Archers (ever-ongoing project) will then fill up my Swiss blocks, some Halberdiers and some Commands ... a lot to do ...
